Tag Archives: javascript

Multiple item selection of listbox via mouse clicks

If you need to select multiple items of listbox through mouse click rather than pressing CTRL button (may be your application would be use in touch screen input environment) then following code will surely help you.

function start(Obj)

var vartext = null;
var varArr = null;
var varbox = Obj;

vartext = document.getElementById(“HidCmd”)

if (vartext.value.search(Obj.value) != -1)
vartext.value = vartext.value.replace(Obj.value + “|”, ”);
vartext.value += Obj.value + “|”;

varArr = vartext.value.split(“|”)

for(var v=0;v<varArr.length;v++)
for(var f=0;f< Obj.options.length;f++)

for(var v=0;v<varArr.length;v++)
for(var f=0;f< Obj.options.length;f++)

<input id="HidCmd" type="hidden"/>
        <asp:ListBox ID="ListBox1" runat="server" Height="167px"
            SelectionMode="Multiple" Width="124px" onclick="start(this)">
            <asp:ListItem Value="sdfa">sfasfasf</asp:ListItem>
             <asp:ListItem Value="sdfv">sfasfasf</asp:ListItem>
              <asp:ListItem Value="sdfc">sfasfasf</asp:ListItem>
               <asp:ListItem Value="sdfd">sfasfasf</asp:ListItem>
                <asp:ListItem Value="sdfdd">sfasfasf</asp:ListItem>

Actually few days back i got this requirement and need to implement that so for every new thing which
i got to do, i do little googling to find out best way as i don’t think so i am the only person on earth
got to do this job 😀 so i find out a thread on asp.net where someone made a function for this task but
that was not exactly according to my requirement and i think the thread initiator requirement as well.
so i modified it to fulfill my requirement and reply that post and now for knowledge sharing just putting
up here for you.

Hope this helps
